Privacy policy.

The only user info collected on this site is web traffic info and comments. I do not share traffic info with any 3rd parties, and the comments are public.

Google Analytics - properties

Advertiser Features

Advertiser Features include Demographics and Interest reporting, Remarketing, GDN Impression Reporting, and the DoubleClick Campaign Manager integration. By enabling Advertiser Features, you enable Google Analytics to collect data about your traffic in addition to data collected through a standard Google Analytics implementation. You may need to update your privacy policy before enabling Advertiser Features.

Demographics and Interest Reports

Demographics and Interest Reports make Age, Gender, and Interest data available so you can better understand who your users are. To see this data, you may need to enable Advertiser Features first.

In-Page Analytics: Enhanced Link Attribution

Enhanced link attribution allows us to better track links on your page, but requires a small change to the tracking code.